Himalayan Crystal Salts
To make your Solé, simply add a small handful of our Solé chunks to pure, good quality water and allow 24 -36 hours for the salt crystals to dissolve and reach saturation point.
Apparently the earth and also our bodies contain all of these minerals and trace elements.
Please find attached a nutritional panel for our Himalayan Salt showing the major minerals.
We are aware that certain natural derived elements can be toxic in isolation and in large doses.
Most of the additional minerals and trace elements that Himalayan Salt is renowned to contain are so minute that specialised equipment is required for analysis.
Even regular sea salt is renowned to contain 84 minerals and trace elements.
Himalayan crystal salt is considered not to contain modern day environmental pollutants and its unique crystalline structure makes the elements more available to the body.
It is involved in exploration and evaluation of economic mineral deposits, preparation of techno-economic feasibility reports, mining and marketing.
PMDC is operating 4 Coal Mines, 4 Salt Mines/ quarries and a silica sand quarry. PMDC shares 17% of the coal and 58% of the total salt production in the country.
Himalayan salt from PMDC is considered of high purity/quality.
PMDC stands for a government department called Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation which actually owns most of the salt mines in Pakistan. Their accreditation includes no child labour used in these mines that are owned and operated by them (in fact employees must be over the age of 20) and laboratory testing performed by them guarantees the purity of their salt. The salt mines are in the foothills of the Himalayan region.
Family operated businesses in the area use this high quality Himalayan salt that they purchase from PMDC to produce all of their beautiful Himalayan salt products.
These natural deposits of mineral halite are derived from evaporated ancient lakes and seas. The unrefined rock salt, primarily sodium chloride, also includes varying concentrations of other mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium, manganese and sulfates which have additional therapeutic properties depending on the source.
The fluoride that Himalayan Crystal Salt is renowned to contain as a minor trace element is actually calcium fluoride (not sodium fluoride).
To our knowledge sodium fluoride is the problem, not calcium fluoride which is actually beneficial. People think that all fluorides are the same, when in fact they are not. Calcium fluoride is good for our bones and teeth, whereas sodium chloride (in large quantities) is a poison to our bodies.